Tucano : Visual Branding


Client : Tucano, an Italian soft goods company.

What’s the problem? Founded 30 years ago and stuck there, Tucano needed a new communication strategy that attracted millennials to their new Mendini Collection.

What was done? Brand Identity, Brand Positioning, Communication Strategy, Packaging Design, Offline & Online Campaign, Social Media Presence

Project was chosen by Tucano as the workshop winner. Collaborative Project with Ronya Shad.

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Brand analysis & user persona

The Mendini Collection by Alessandro Mendini is a capsule collection of Tucano, so the first step was to create a brand positioning map to compare current company positioning to the ultimate market goal as well as analyze what competing brand were up to. The next step was creating a target persona in order to figure out goals, desires and behavior of the intended audience.



The Mendini collection consists of their boldest patterns and colors yet, so as a brand identity redesign we created #LIVEBOLD. The identity stresses the idea that everyone is unique, and we should all strive to “live bold” and stand out from the crowd, as well as to spread this confidence everywhere we go.


Social Media presence

Tucano’s previous social media lacked a strong following, coherent look and overall presence. When creating a new social media presence, brand values and the millennial target group were kept in mind while creating a new communication strategy through online social media platforms as well as offline marketing presence.

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Packaging & tag Design

To continue a coherent identity and market presence, the collection’s packaging was also redesigned. Within the packaging, buyers would get a detailed description of their chosen bag, as well as a note about the designer and their inspiration.

Buyers would also get a set of stickers and temporary tattoos to share their love of the brand, which in return serves as a low-cost marketing tool for Tucano.


Offline Marketing Strategies

As part of the offline marketing strategies, the proposal included giveaway bags which users would get for visiting an exhibition, or during Milan Design week.

Another marketing tool which was proposed for Tucano was the use of stickers which buyers could put on their laptops or around the city, as well as temporary tattoos where they can show off #LIVEBOLD.

Marketing & Mood Video

In order to show off the the #LIVEBOLD campaign, and to advertise Tucano, a marketing and mood video was created to grab attention from buyers.