Imperfect by design : Concrete Candle


Client : alisors.designs (aka myself)

The Brief? Design a product based on an overarching theme, and bring that product to life with marketing materials and a communication strategy.

What was done? Brand Identity, Communication Strategy, Email Marketing, Packaging Design, Offline & Online Campaign, Social Media Presence.

Imperfections + Concrete

Using the casting properties of concrete, contrasting materials and the concept of Wabi Sabi, the imperfect candle challenges the identity of a material and explores beauty in imperfections.

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Wabi SAbi

Every single object has a life and history; Wabi Sabi is the art of finding beauty in the imperfect, impermanent and incomplete. Concrete was chosen as the key material whose identity was challenged. Through improper mixture, form and creating voids concrete’s flaws were explored and celebrated.

Wax was chosen as the contrasting material celebrating concretes flaws. As the candle melts, the concrete’s imperfections are revealed. No candle is like the other.

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Imperfect by Design Marketing

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Telling the Story

Because every candle is handmade and each one is like no other, each candle would be accompanied by a card explaining the story behind it as well as describing the scent each candle has and the benefits behind each scent.

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Showing the process behind the Imperfect Candle was the most valuable part of the online communication strategy. Content which showcased each candles individuality were chosen as well as content which showcased the story behind them.
