B’nai adath : Digital Communication strategy 


Client : B’nai Adath Kol Beth Yisrael, a jewish congregation based in NYC.

What’s the problem? After a fire destroyed their congregation, B’nai Adath needed a full redo on their online presence to be able to tell their story, promote donations and keep their congregation together digitally while lacking a space to practice in.

What was done? Website Design, UX/UI Design, Digital Communication Strategy



Telling the story of B’nai Adath was one of the most important things for the redesign of their website. Since B’nai Adath lost their physical place of worship due to a fire, the digital presence was more important than ever for their members. Explaining who they are, their values and their long history was all an important part in connecting with new and old congregants.

BAKBY Website Mockup 2.jpg

Donate Page

One of the most important parts of the website redesign was offering congregants a reliable and user friendly way to donate to various fundraising funds as well as pay their dues and tithes. The custom donate page had features like allowing members to donate in honor or in memory of a loved one as well as generated thank you for donating receipt.